伍文杰   Associate professor

伍文杰,男,华中学者、华中科技大学物理学院博导 、副教授,Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Nature子刊、一区) 青年编辑,Space Habitation青年编辑,IOP Trusted Reviewer,CGT2024组织委员会成员、专题负责人、召集人,光电子光子材料与器件学术会议学术委员,自然科学基金委函评专家。近五年作为负责人主持深地国家科技重大专项课题(4000万)、工信部高质量发展专项子课题(500万)、深地国家科技重大专项专题(300...Detials

Polyimide-damage-free, CMOS-compatible Removal of Polymer Residues from Deep Reactive Ion Etching Passivation

Release time:2021-07-08  Hits:

  • Indexed by:Journal paper
  • First Author:WU WEN JIE
  • Correspondence Author:tuliangcheng
  • Co-author:Zhu Tao,LIU JIN QUAN,FAN JI
  • Journal:Journal of Electronic Materials
  • Included Journals:SCI、SSCI
  • Discipline:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Material Science and Engineering
  • Document Type:J
  • Volume:44
  • Issue:3
  • Key Words:Removal of post-etch residues, ICP DRIE, CMOS-compatible, polyimide
  • DOI number:10.1007/s11664-014-3604-5
  • Date of Publication:2014-12-15
  • Abstract:A method for removal of passivation polymer residues from deep reactive ionetching (DRIE) has been systematically investigated in this study. The method combines dry oxygen plasma ashing and conventional photoresist wet stripping. Samples were carefully examined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), and study of surface morphology. XPS and EDX analysis showed that the polymer residues consisted mainly of C-O, CFx (x = 1, 2, 3), and C-CF bonds. Optimized oxygen plasma ashing effectively removes most of the fluorocarbon content, except some nano-residues. Subsequent conventional wet stripping in organic solvents could eliminate these stubborn nanoparticles while dissolving the underlying photoresist. Excellent removal is apparent from scanning electron microscopy images. The fluorine content determined by EDX analysis showed that the residues were completely removed. The metal layers, oxide insulator layers, and the polyimide insulators function well after this critical surface treatment. The excellent results show this is an outstanding method for removal of DRIE passivation polymer residues for MEMS fabrication.