伍文杰   Associate professor

伍文杰,男,华中学者、华中科技大学物理学院博导 、副教授,Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Nature子刊、一区) 青年编辑,Space Habitation青年编辑,IOP Trusted Reviewer,CGT2024组织委员会成员、专题负责人、召集人,光电子光子材料与器件学术会议学术委员,自然科学基金委函评专家。近五年作为负责人主持深地国家科技重大专项课题(4000万)、工信部高质量发展专项子课题(500万)、深地国家科技重大专项专题(300...Detials

Measurement of Tidal Tilt by a Micromechanical Inertial Sensor Employing Quasi-Zero- Stiffness Mechanism

Release time:2021-07-08  Hits:

  • Indexed by:Journal paper
  • First Author:Wu Wenjie
  • Correspondence Author:Tu Liangcheng
  • Co-author:Liu Dandan,LIU HUAFENG,Yan Shitao,Tang Shihao,Hu Fangjing,Fan Ji
  • Journal:Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems
  • Included Journals:SCI、SSCI
  • Discipline:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Electronic Science And Technology
  • Document Type:J
  • Volume:29
  • Issue:5
  • Page Number:1-10
  • ISSN No.:1057-7157
  • Key Words:Inertial sensor, microsensor, quasi-zero stiffness, tidal tilt
  • DOI number:10.1109/JMEMS.2020.3001928
  • Date of Publication:2020-06-09
  • Impact Factor:2.534
  • Abstract:High-precision microelectromechanical inertial sensors based on spring-mass structures are of great interests for a wide range of applications, including inertial navigation, disaster warning and resource exploration. Lowering the resonant frequency is essential to further improve the sensitivity of the sensors. However, conventional approaches are facing insurmountable difficulties from size reduction to machining precision. This paper proposed a novel quasi-zero-stiffness mechanism that is compatible with MEMS technologies together with a micromaching approach for adjusting the stiffness precisely. By improving the compliance of a typical spring with a negativestiffness compensation mechanism induced by axial force, the resonant frequency of the micro spring-mass structure is lowered to 0.7 Hz, which is at least 3 times lower than current stateof- the-art micro structures. Based on this ultra-sensitive micro structure base on the quasi-zero-stiffness mechanism, the micro inertial sensor, with a chip size of a postage stamp, has shown a low self-noise of 0.6 nrad/  Hz at 0.04 Hz and a high long-term stability that are comparable to traditional pendulum inertial sensors. It is the first micro device, to our knowledge, that can successfully measure the tidal tilt signal