项翔   Associate professor

Prof. Dr. Xiang Xiang is an Associate Professor of computer/intelligence science and technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. I direct the HUST Image & Vision Learning Lab. I study computer vision and machine learning. My current interests include learning with limited labels and vision-assisted health informatics.I received the Ph.D. degree at Johns Hopkins University ...Detials

Release time:2022-06-22  Hits:

  • Department:人工智能与自动化学院
  • Specialized Courses:人工智能
  • Admissions Professional Note:2023年9月入学的研究生推免指标:尚有1个名额。
  • Master-Research direction:计算机视觉 / 机器学习 / 自然语言处理
  • Year of Admission:2023
  • Admission Type:Master Degree Candidate
  • Discipline:Control Science and Engineering
  • Expected Number of Students to Be Admitted:1