Corrective Security-constrained Optimal Power Flow with Control of Flexible AC Transmission System Devices
Release time:2017-06-25
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- First Author:
- Mingyu Yan
- Correspondence Author:
- Jinyu Wen
- Co-author:
- Yubin He,Xiaomeng Ai,Chuangxin Guo
- Journal:
- Automation of Electric Power Systems
- Included Journals:
- EI
- Place of Publication:
- China
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:
- Electrical Engineering
- Funded by:
- 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2016M590693)
- Document Type:
- J
- Volume:
- 41
- Issue:
- 12
- Page Number:
- 63-69
- ISSN No.:
- 1000-1026
- Key Words:
- security-constrained optimal power flow(SCOPF); corrective control; flexible AC transmission system(FACTS); Benders decomposition
- DOI number:
- 10.7500/AEPS20161222007
- Date of Publication:
- 2017-06-25
- Impact Factor:
- 7.086
- Abstract:
- To improve the economy and security of the security-constrained optimal power flow(SCOPF), a corrective security-constrained optimal power flow(CSCOPF)with the control of flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)devices is proposed based on the DC power flow. The FACTS device corrective action is adopted to control the line power flow within the allowable range while a contingency occurs. As the proposed model is a large-scale, non-convex and nonlinear model, it is hard to solve directly. First, the model is transformed into a mixed integer linear program(MILP)model by the Big-M method. Second, the Benders decomposition is used to decouple the proposed model into an optimal power flow master problem and an N-1 contingency check subproblem. Third, the non-convex subproblem is transformed into a linear program by fixing the binary variable, which can return the corresponding Benders cuts to the master problem. The proposed model and solution technique are tested on a 6-bus system and an IEEE RTS-79-bus system. Numerical results show that CSCOPF with the control of FACTS devices will leads to a lower operation cost. This work is supported Post-doctoral Science Foundation of China(No. 2016M590693).
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