Assessment Method for Power Grid Icing Risk Based on Short-term Icing Forecasting
Release time:2016-11-10
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- First Author:
- Mingyu Yan
- Correspondence Author:
- Jinyu Wen
- Co-author:
- Zhiyu Zhou,Chuangxin Guo,Jiazheng Lu,Wei Yao
- Journal:
- Automation of Electric Power Systems
- Included Journals:
- EI
- Place of Publication:
- China
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:
- Electrical Engineering
- Document Type:
- J
- Volume:
- 40
- Issue:
- 21
- Page Number:
- 168-175
- ISSN No.:
- 1000-1026
- Key Words:
- transmission line; icing forecast; risk assessment; Monte Carlo method; time-varying failure rate
- DOI number:
- 10.7500/AEPS20160506004
- Date of Publication:
- 2016-11-10
- Impact Factor:
- 7.086
- Abstract:
- Ice storm disaster has various negative impacts on power grid security and stability. To evaluate the power grid risk accurately, a risk assessment method for power grid icing based on short-time icing forecast is proposed. The ice and wind loads on lines can be forecasted by the icing forecast system. The time-varying failure rates of transmission lines can be calculated by the time-varying structure reliability theory. A restoration time model of transmission line with DC deicer is built as is a time interval model of deicer. Owing to the incapability of reflecting the time-varying failure rate of iced lines using the traditional Monte Carlo method, a sequential Monte Carlo method of solving this rate is proposed. The proposed model is tested on an IEEE RTS-79 system. The effects of the time interval of icing forecast and deicer on risk indices are analyzed and related suggestions made.
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