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Zhiheng Hu, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu, Zhongxu Xiao, Xiaojia Nie, Xiaoyan Zeng, Microstructure, mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of AlCu5MnCdVA aluminum alloy fabricated by selective laser melting, Materials Science and Engineering A, 759( 2019): 154-166. .
X. Nie, H. Zhang, H. Zhu*, Z. Hu, Y. Qi, X. Zeng, On the role of Zr content into PortevinLe Chatelier (PLC) effect of selective laser melted high strength Al-Cu-Mg-Mn alloy, Materials Letters, 248 (2019) 5–7..
Luo Zhang,Haihong Zhu,Shasha Zhang,GuoqingWang,Xiaoyan Zeng,Fabricating high dimensional accuracy LPBFed Ti6Al4V part by using bi-parameter method,Optics & Laser Technology, 117(2019):79-86..
Hailong Liao, Haihong Zhu, Gang Xue,Xiaoyan Zeng,Alumina loss mechanism of Al2O3-AlSi10Mg composites during selective laser melting, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 785 (2019): 286-295. .
Changchun Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Luo Zhang, Xiaoyan Zeng, A comparative study on single-laser and multi-laser selective laser melting AlSi10Mg: defects, microstructure and mechanical properties, Materials Science & Engineering A,746 (2019): 416-423..
Shasha Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Luo Zhang, Wenqi Zhang, Huanqing Yang, Xiaoyan Zeng, Microstructure and properties of high strength and high conductivity Cu-Cr alloy components fabricated by high power selective laser melting, Materials Letters, 237 (2019): 306–309..
Shasha Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Xiaoyan Zeng, Fei Zhong, Selective Laser melting of Cu-10Zn alloy powder using high laser powder, Powder Technology, 242 (2019):613-620. .
Zhang Luo,Zhu Haihong*, Liu Jiahe, Zeng, Xiaoyan, Track evolution and surface characteristics of selective laser melting Ti6Al4V, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2018, 24(9): 1554-1562. .
Luo Zhang, Shasha Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Guoqing Wang, Xiaoyan Zeng, Horizontal dimensional accuracy prediction of selective laser melting, Materials and Design, 160(2018): 9-20..
Changchun Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Hailong Liao, Yong Cheng, Zhiheng Hu, Xiaoyan Zeng, Effect of heat treatments on fatigue property of selective laser melting, International Journal of Fatigue, 116(2018):513-522..