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Xiaojia Nie, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng,Effect of Zr content on formability, microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Zr modified Al-4.24Cu-1.97Mg-0.56Mn alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 764(2018)977-986..
Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaojia Nie, Changchun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Xiaoyan Zeng On the role of atmospheric oxygen into mechanical properties and fracture behavior of selective laser melted AlCu5MnCdVA,Materials and Design, 150 (2018) 18–27..
Xiaojia Nie, Hu Zhang, Haihong Zhu*, Zhiheng Hu, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng, Analysis of processing parameters and characteristics of selective laser melted high strength Al-Cu-Mg alloys: From single tracks to cubic samples, Journal of Material Process and Technology, 256(2018):69-77..
Xuesong Han, Haihong Zhu*, Xiaojia Nie,Guoqing Wang , Xiaoyan Zeng, Investigation on selective laser melting AlSi10Mg cellular lattice strut:molten pool morphology, surface roughness and dimensional accuracy, Materials, 11(2018)392:1-13..
Liu Shiwen, Haihong Zhu*, Gangyong Peng, Jie Yin, Xiaoyan Zeng, Microstructure Prediction of Selective Laser Melting AlSi10Mg Using Finite Element Analysis, Materials and Design, 142 (2018) 319–328..
Zhiheng Hu, Haihong Zhu*, Changchun Zhang, Hu Zhang, Ting Qi, Xiaoyan Zeng, Contact angle evolution during selective laser melting, Materials and Design, 139 (2018)304–313..
Ting Qi, Haihong Zhu*, Hu Zhang, Jie Yin, Linda Ke, Xiaoyan Zeng, Selective laser melting of Al7050 powder: Melting mode transition and comparison of the characteristics between the keyhole and conduction mode, Materials & Design, 135(2017): 257-266..
Zhang Hu,Zhu Haihong*,Yin Jie,Hu Zhiheng,Zeng Xiaoyan,Effect of Zirconium addition on crack, microstructure and mechanical behavior of selective laser melted Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Scripta Materialia,134(2017):6-10. .
Hu Zhiheng,Zhu Haihong*,Zhang Hu,Zeng Xiaoyan, Experimental investigation on selective laser melting of 17-4PH stainless steel, Optics & Laser Technology, 87 (2017): 17-25..