Jack Chow

· Personal Information


Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates



Teacher College:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Department:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Alma Mater:Newcastle University (UK)

Discipline: Material Physics and Chemistry
Electrical Power System and Automation
Material Science

· Other Contact Information:






· Personal Profile

Prof. Yuan-Cheng Cao (Y.-C Cao),Ph.D and Ms supervisor,was born in November 1979. He was selected as member of “Hundred Talents Program”(2018)、 “Chutian Scholar”(2014) and “Yellow-Crane Talent”(2015) in Hubei Province. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in journals including Materials Today, Materials Today Energy, Joule, J. Power Sources, and Nanotechnology, and more ...


· Education Experience

2004.3 ~ 2006.3
 Huazhong University of Science and Technology  -  Biomedical Engineering  -  Doctoral Degree in Engineering  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral)  -  in Semiconductor quantum dot nanomaterials 
2002.9 ~ 2004.3
 Huazhong University of Science and Technology  -  Engineering  -  3  -  Postgraduate (Master's Degree)  -  Master in Huazhong University of Science and Technology 

· Work Experience

Huazhong University of Science and Technology  - School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Prof. in advanced materials and devices for energy storage  - on the job
Research fields: Solid state batteries; Safety control for large scale power stations; Recycling ... 
Jianghan University  - Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Chemical Materials and Devices (Jianghan University) - Professor.
Research fields: Solid state batteries 
Newcastle University  - School of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering - Senior Research Fellow
Research fields: Design, synthesis and application of solid state electrolyte 
Notitngham Trent University  - School of Science - Research Fellow
the 6th European framework postdoctoral fellow.
Research fields: Dielectric material/solid state ... 
Huazhong University of Science and Technology  - Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics - Postdoctor
Research fields: Design, synthesis and application of low dimensional semiconductor nanomaterials 

· Social Affiliations

Youth council member of China material research society.
Youth committee member of Hubei chemistry and chemical engineering association.

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· Research Group

· Name of Research Group:Advanced Electrical

Description of Research Group:Solid State Battery group (HUST Solid group): The research group is interested in the investigations including high energy density/long cycling life solid state batteries, safety protection technology for large scale energy storage power stations, recycling and regeneration of decommissioned power batteries from EV.
   We welcome young scholars interested in the research on solid state batteries and technologies of safety protection in energy storage to join our team, to make contributions to high-energy density energy storage battery technologies!