·Paper Publications
- [1] Lu Yu,Dongyao Li,Chunmiao Ma,Brice Kauffmann,Sibei Liao.Quan Gan.Redox-Regulated and Guest-Driven Transformations of Aromatic Oligoamide Foldamers in Advanced Structures.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2024,12907−12912
- [2] Sibei Liao,Jie Tang,Chunmiao Ma,Lu Yu,Ying Tan,Xuanzhu Li.Quan Gan.Foldaxane‐Based Switchable [c2]Daisy Chains.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2024,e202315668
- [3] Chi Zhang,Huatian Hu,Chunmiao Ma,Yawen Li,Xujie Wang,Dongyao Li,Alexander Govorov,Zhiming Wang,Artur Movsesyan.Quan Gan,Tao Ding.Quantum plasmonics pushes chiral sensing limit to single molecules: a paradigm for chiral biodetections.Nat. Commun.,2024,2
- [4] Chi Zhang,Dongyao Li,Guangdi Zhang,Xujie Wang,Li Mao,Hongxing Xu.Quan Gan,Tao Ding.Switching plasmonic nanogaps between classical and quantum regimes with supramolecular interactions.Science Advance,2022,eabj9752
- [5] Jiajia Zhang,Lu Huang,Chunmiao Ma,Dan Luo.Quan Gan.Hierarchical communication of chirality for aromatic oligoamide sequences.Nat. Commun.,2021,2659
- [6] Q. Gan,X. Wang, B. Kauffmann, F. Rosu, Y. Ferrand.I. Huc.Translation of rod-like template sequences into homochiral assemblies of stacked helical oligomers.Nature Nanotechnology,2017,447-452
- [7] S. A. Denisov, Q. Gan, X. Wang, L. Scarpantonio, B. Kauffmann, G. Jonusauskas, I. Huc.Y. Ferrand,N. D. McClenaghan.Electronic energy transfer modulation in a dynamic foldaxane: proof-of-principle of a liftime-based conformation probe.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2015,1328-1333
- [8] Q. Gan, T. K. Ronson, D. A. Vosburg, J. D. Thoburn.J. R. Nitschke.Cooperative loading and release behavior of a metal-organic receptor.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,1770-1773
- [9] Q. Gan, Y.Ferrand, N.Chandramouli, B.Kauffmann, C.Aube, D.Dubreuil.I.Huc.Identification of a foldaxane kinetic byproduct during guest-induced single to double helix conversion.J. Am. Chem. Soc,2012,15656−15659
- [10] Q. Gan, Y. Ferrand, C. Bao, B. Kauffmann, A. Grélard.H. Jiang,I. Huc.Helix-rod host-guest complexes with shuttling rates much faster than disassembly.Science,2011,1172-1175