Gui Liangqi
·Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
MORE+- [1] [1]Li Xiao,Gui Liangqi,Xia Yu, etc.. Experimental demonstration of a real-time multi-user uplink UWOC system based on SIC-free NOMA.Optics Express,2023,31(19):30146
- [2] [2]Li Xiao,Gui Liangqi,Xia Yu,Lang Liang.Demonstration of a Real-time UWOC System Using a Bandwidth Limited LED Based on Hardware and Software Equalization Journal of Lightwave Technology.2023,41(15):4979-4988
- [3] [3] Wenning Xu,Liang Lang, Liangqi Gui, etc.. Registration and Fusion Using Reflection in Passive Millimeter-Wave Images,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ,2023,61(1)1-9 .
- [4] [4] Haofeng Dou,Gui Liangqi, Qingxia Li, etc..Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging with Mirrored Aperture Synthesis,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ,2019,57(10)8105 - 8117 .
- [5] [5] Dandan Liu,Gui Liangqi, Zixiao Zhang, etc.. Multiplexed OAM Wave Communication with Two-OAM-Mode Antenna Systems. IEEE Access, 2018,7:4160-4166.
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Published Books
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Research Projects
MORE+- [1] 异种金属激光增材制造, 2020-07-01
- [2] 陶瓷基材料金属涂层微细结构制备技术研究, 国防科技创新特区, 2020-07-01-2020-12-31
- [3] 铜钢复合增材制造, 国工局重点实验室实验室重点基金, 2019-09-01
- [4] Investigating the key technologies on slective laser melting of high strength aluminium allo, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015-01-01-2018-12-31
- [5] The key technologies of micro metal mould fabrication based on laser micro sintering and laser polishing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2009-01-01-2012-12-31