Kok Meng Lee
Scientific Research
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[1] 27.Liu, C.-H. and K.-M. Lee, "Topology Optimization with Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Analysis for Compliant Mechanism Design of an Automated Live Bird Transfer System," Applied Mathematics Information Sciences Special Issue, pp. 173S-181S, February 2013.
[2] 26.Li, Y., C. Cai, K.-M. Lee and F. Teng, "A Novel Cascade Temperature Control System for a High-Speed Heat-Airflow Wind," IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics Focused Section on Aerospace Mechatronics, Vol. 18, no. 42013, 1310-1319.
[3] 25.J. Guo and K.-M. Lee, "Compliant Joint Design and Flexure Finger Dynamic Analysis using an Equivalent Pin Model," Mechanism and Machine Theory 70 (2013) 338-353.
[4] 24.H. Son and K.-M. Lee, "Control System Design and Input Shape for Orientation of Spherical Wheel Motor," IFAC Control Engineering Practice 24, pp.120-1288, 2014.
[5] 23.Y. Chen, K.-M. Lee, C.-Y. Lin and X. Fu, "Lumped-parameter Modeling of an Immersion Flow Field for Analyzing Meniscus Dynamic Behavior," ASME J. of Dyn. Syst., Meas. and Control Vol 136, no 1, 011001-1~8, 2014.
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