
Personal information

研究员(自然科学) Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Department:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Electrical Power System and Automation
Honors and Titles:
2014    冶金科学技术奖
2013    “湖北省优秀学士学位论文”指导教师
2016    教学质量优秀二等奖
2020    优秀大学生创新创业项目指导教师
2020    学生满分评价满分“课堂优质奖”
2020    主编《Electric Circuit Theory》获”华中科技大学本科教材奖


Personal Description:

In July 1992, after graduating from Huazhong University of science and Technology (HUST), she stayed in school to teach. 

In 1999 and 2005, she obtained her master's degree and doctor's degree respectively in Electrical Power System and Automation. 

In 2006, she was employed as an associate professor and master's supervisor in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

Work Experience:

She has been engaged in the teaching of electric circuit theory for many years. In 2005, she was appointed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) as a full-English teaching teacher. She lectured on a number of English courses for undergraduates: Electric Circuit Theory, Circuit Testing Technology, and offered Power System Harmonics Courses for graduate students (or overseas students).

During 2006-2012, she has completed a number of scientific and technological key projects (total contract funds: 1.056 million), including power flow optimization and transient stability research of WISCO power grid, the influence of 10kV electromagnetic loop network on the safety of WISCO power grid, the application research of reactive-power voltage optimization and loss management technology in WISCO power grid.

During 2011-2015, she has completed a number of projects of distribution network planning (total contract funds: 1.62 million), including the special planning of 20 kV voltage-level power system renovation in Xincheng District, the intelligent special planning of regional distribution network during the 12th Five-Year Plan, the rolling development planning of distribution network in Foshan, Shaoguan, Zhanjiang and Shenzhen during the 13th Five-Year Plan.

At present, she is presiding over the project of "Research on Key Technologies of Intelligent Distribution Network Operation Based on Micro Phasor Measurement Units" under the State Key R&D program "Smart Grid Technology and Equipment".

She has trained more than 30 graduate students and published many SCI/EI papers.

Research Direction: power system operation and control, distribution network planning and evaluation, active distribution network technology, etc.

Research Team: graduate students research team (8-10 persons).

Research Group