·Paper Publications
[18] Min Ouyang. A mathematical framework to optimize resilience of interdependent critical infrastructure systems under spatially localized attacks, European Journal of Operational Research,2017, 262(3):1072-1084.
Release time:2022-11-12  Hits:
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4. Yu Zeng, Caichen Yang, Ziling Wang*, Liang Chen, Jian Pu, Bo Chi*, Unveiling dual functional catalytic performance of Pr1.5La0.5Ni0.8Cu0.2O4+δ air electrode for solid oxide cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 59 (2024) 582–590
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[19] Sachuer Bao,Chi Zhang,Min Ouyang, Lixin Miao,An integrated tri-level model for enhancing the resilience of facilities against intentional attacks, Annals of Operations Research, 2019, 283(1-2): 87-117.