·Paper Publications
- [21] 杨鹏, 顾学康.半潜平台疲劳波浪载荷的不确定性研究. 船舶力学. 2012. 16(11), pp. 1274-1282. EI检索号:20125215843271.
- [22] 杨鹏, 顾学康. 半潜平台波浪载荷不确定性及疲劳可靠性研究, 船舶力学, 2013, 17(4), pp. 398-410. EI检索号:20131916321747.
- [23] Peng Yang, Xuekang Gu. Comparative analysis of some fatigue crack propagation models, Journal of Ship Mechanics, 2013, 17(3), pp. 288-297.. EI检索号:20131616214257.
- [24] Peng Yang, Xuekang Gu, Chao Tian, Xiaoming Cheng, Jun Ding. Numerical Study of 3D Pulsating Source Green Function of Finite Water Depth, Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), San Francisco, California, USA, June 2014. EI检索号:20144700235794.
- [25] 杨鹏, 顾学康. 超大型浮体模块水弹性响应和结构强度分析, 船舶力学, 2015, 19(5), pp. 553-565. EI检索号:20152500946703.
- [26] Peng Yang, Xuekang Gu, Chao Tian, Xiaolong Liu. Motion Responses of Floating Structures near Small Islands, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE), St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, May 2015. EI检索号:20154801609456.
- [27] 杨鹏,顾学康,田超,程小明,丁军. 有限水深三维脉动源格林函数数值算法研究, 船舶力学.2016. 20(1-2), pp. 57-67. EI检索号:20161002049605.
- [28] 杨鹏,顾学康,丁军,张凡,胡嘉骏. 大型油船和散货船波激振动及其对疲劳寿命的影响研究, 船舶力学. 2016. 20(10), pp. 1320-1329. EI检索号:20164402965508.
- [29] 杨鹏,顾学康,田超,王志东. 近岛礁地形影响下的浮式平台运动响应. 船舶力学. 2017, 21(1-2), pp. 152-158. EI检索号:20171903640755.
- [30] Peng Yang, XuekangGu, Chao Tian, Jun Ding. 3D Nonlinear Hydroelastic Response and Load Prediction of a Large Bulk Carrier in Time Domain. Journal of Ship Mechanics. 2018, 22(12), pp. 1495-1507. EI检索号:20190706504962.