·Paper Publications
- [31] 杨鹏,顾学康,张凯,彭正梁,吴东伟. 6750TEU集装箱船非线性波激振动和颤振响应分析. 船舶力学, 2020, 24(2):221-235, EI检索号:20201108304637.
- [32] 刘小龙,田超,丁军,杨鹏,王志东. 近岛礁波浪谱演化逆问题研究. 水动力学研究与进展(A辑), 2016, 11(6): 689-69..
- [33] 汪雪良,杨鹏,顾学康,胡嘉骏. 船体结构砰击总体载荷理论研究综述. 中国舰船研究. 2015, 10(1)..
- [34] 谢昕,胡嘉骏,杨鹏. 基于蒙特卡洛模拟的半潜式平台极限强度可靠性研究. 中国舰船研究. 2012..
- [35] 杨鹏,寇冠元,朱学康,刘成义,高长华. 浮体浅水波浪载荷数值计算方法研究. 中国舰船研究. 2019, 14(1), pp. 19-26..
- [36] 杨鹏,叶梦熊,李金成,何景异,杜兆伟. 对称格林函数简化计算的数学推导. 中国舰船研究. 2018, 13(增刊1) , pp. 22-28..
- [37] Peng Yang, Xiaolong Liu et al. Hydroelastic Responses of a VLFS in the Waves Influenced by Complicated Geographic Environment. 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Split, Croatia, September 16th – 19th, 2015..
- [38] Peng Yang, XuekangGu, Chao Tian, Jun Ding. 3D Hydroelastic Response of a Large Bulk Carrier in Time Domain. 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Split, Croatia, September 16th – 19th, 2015..
- [39] 杨鹏, 顾学康, 路振. 超大型浮体模块的波浪载荷及结构强度研究, 2014中国海洋钢结构会议..
- [40] 杨鹏, 顾学康. 几种疲劳裂纹扩展模型的比较分析. 中国海洋钢结构会议, 2012..