Xingsheng Wang

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Thorough Understanding of Retention Time of Z2FET Memory Operation
Release time:2020-07-22  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

First Author: Meng Duan

Correspondence Author: Meng Duan

Co-author: M. Duan , C. Navarro , B. Cheng, F. Adamu-Lema , Xingsheng Wang , V. P. Georgiev , F. Gamiz , C. Millar,A. Asenov

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices

Included Journals: EI、SCI

Place of Publication: USA

Discipline: Engineering

First-Level Discipline: Electronic Science And Technology

Document Type: J

Volume: 66

Issue: 1

Page Number: 383-388

Key Words: Dynamicrandomaccessmemory(DRAM), generation, injection, recombination, retention time, Shockley–Read

Date of Publication: 2019-01-01

Abstract: A recently reported zero impact ionization and zero subthreshold swing device Z2FET is a promising candidate for capacitor-less dynamic random access memory (DRAM) memory cell. In the memory operation, dataretentiontimedeterminesrefreshfrequencyandisone ofthemostimportantmemorymerits.Inthispaper,wehave systematicallyinvestigatedthe Z2FET retention time based on a newly proposed characterization methodology. It is found that the degradation of HOLD “0” retention time originates from the gated-silicon on insulator (SOI) portion rather than the intrinsic-SOI region of the Z2FET. Electrons accumul