Xingsheng Wang
·Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
Paper Publications
MORE+- [1] Menghua Huang,Pinfeng Jiang.BEOL Large-scale Integration and Precise Programming of HfOx/AlOy Superlattice-like Multi-Level Memristors.IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.2024,71(8):4613-4618
- [2] Zhouchao Gan,Dongdong Zhang.Efffcient implementation of Majority-Inverter Graph logic and arithmetic functions with memristor arrays.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences.2024,67:179403
- [3] Zifei Cai.Multi-order Differential Neural Network for TCAD Simulation of the Semiconductor Devices.IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC).2024
- [4] Zichong Zhang.Recorded Ferroelectric Polarization Switching of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Capacitors Achieved by Thermal Rewake-up.8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) Conference.2024:1-3
- [5] Zhouchao Gan.Efficient Implementation of Multiplexer and Full-Adder Functions Based on Memristor Arrays for In-memory Computing.8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) Conference.2024:1-3
MORE+Published Books
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Research Projects
MORE+- [1] Research on the High Computing-Power and Energy-Efficiency Large-Scale Memristor Array Computing-In-Memory Chips, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2023-11-20
- [2] Memristor based Neuromorphic AI Chip, 2023-06-13, Cross-Research Support Program of Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- [3] Atuo method and implementation of extracting transistor compact model, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects, 2023-03-13
- [4] Emerging Nonvolatile Memory based Neuromorphic-Computing Chips, Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects, 2022-11-28, 湖北省科技重大专项
- [5] V/R-R New Structure based Memristor Logic-In-Memory Computing Study, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2022-09-09