·Paper Publications
- [1] 万艳华# ; 曹西强; 滕苗, 晋城市资源型产业空间转型的原则与模式探讨规划创新——2010中国城市规划年会, 中国重庆, 2010.10.15-2010.10.17 .
- [2] 万艳华#;滕苗; 曹西强,TFO视角下的大规模城中村改造问题的认识规划创新——2010中国城市规划年会,中国重庆,2010.10.15-2010.10.17 .
- [3] Wan Yanhua# ; Zhao Wenheng,One Way to Achieve “Green Traffic”:Traffic Design Study of Road Crossing a Three-lane Rode Section, 第九届环境行为研究国际学术研讨会, Ha Erbin, 2010.10.22-2010.10.24 .
- [4] Wan Yanhua# ; Du Jin,The cognition of traditional villages and towns form in Xinyang from a view of experience, “低碳城市与建筑”2010首届中英高端论, Ha Erbin, 2010.12.9-2010.12.10 .
- [5] hanzheng-street in the view of heritage protection, 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT 2011), Hang Zhou, 2011.7.26-2011.7.28 .
- [6] Wan Yanhua# ; Du Jin,The value and protection of spontaneousblock of.
- [7] 张超荣#,屠李,万艳华,公共政策导向下的规划评审制度改革转型与重构——2011中国城市规划年会, 中国江苏南京, 2011.9.20-2011.9.22 .
- [8] Wan Yanhua# ; Gu Wenyue; Yu SIyu; Sun lianghui,Research on strategies of the urban overall landscape planning, "The 2011 International Conference on remote sensing, environment and transportation engineering, NanJing, 2011.6.24-2011.6.26 .
- [9] Wan Yanhua #; Wu Fan; Zhu Peijuan,Color design of architectures in YueLu-Mountain university group, International Conference on Technology of Architecture and Structure (ICTAS 2011), Xi'an, 2011.9.22-2011.9.24 .
- [10] Wan Yanhua #,Yu Siyu,Du Jin,Explore the lakefront landscape design of Wuhan East Lake with cubism,2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT 2011),Hang zhou,2011.7.26-2011.7.28 .