

Personal information

副研究员(自然科学)     博士生导师     硕士生导师







2024    入选中国商飞大飞机创新谷“卓越科学家”
2024    受聘中国商飞大飞机创新谷“客座科学家”
2021    指导研究生获国家奖学金
2021    会议论文入选IFAC ADCHEM会议Keynote Paper
2015    IFAC SAFEPROCESS会议Paul M. Frank最佳理论论文提名奖(1/4)

Yiming Wan, Dongying Shen, Sergio Lucia, Rolf Findeisen, Richard D. Braatz. “Robust static H-infinity output-feedback control using polynomial chaos,” 2018 American Control Conference, accepted.

Yiming Wan, Richard D. Braatz. “Mixed polynomial chaos and worst-case synthesis approach to robust observer based linear quadratic regulation,” 2018 American Control Conference, accepted.

Yiming Wan, Eranda Harinath, Richard D. Braatz. “A piecewise polynomial chaos approach to stochastic linear quadratic regulation for systems with probabilistic parametric uncertainties,” in Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, 2017, accepted.

Dongying E. Shen, Sergio Lucia,
Yiming Wan, Rolf Findeisen, Richard D. Braatz. “Polynomial chaos-based H2-optimal static output feedback control of systems with probabilistic parameter uncertainties,” in Proceedings of 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 3595-3600.

Yiming Wan, Eranda Harinath, Richard D. Braatz. “Probabilistic robust parity relation for fault detection using polynomial chaos,” in Proceedings of 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017, pp. 1042-1047.

Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky. “Implementation of real-time moving horizon estimation for robust air data sensor fault diagnosis in RECONFIGURE benchmark,” IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2016.

Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky, Michel Verhaegen. “Robust air data sensor fault diagnosis with enhanced fault sensitivity using moving horizon estimation,” 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 2016, pp. 5969-5975.

Laura Ferranti,
Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky. “Predictive flight control with active diagnosis and reconfiguration for actuator jamming,” 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, Seville, Spain, 2015, pp. 166-171.

Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky, Michel Verhaegen. “Data-driven sensor fault estimation filter design with guaranteed stability,” 9th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, Paris, France, 2015, pp. 982-987. (Finalist of Paul M. Frank Best Theoretical Paper Award)

Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky. “Fault detection and isolation for air data sensors using realtime moving horizon estimation,” in Proceedings of 2015 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Kissimmee, US, DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-1083.

Yiming Wan, Tamas Keviczky, Michel Verhaegen, “Moving horizon least-squares input estimation for linear discrete-time stochastic systems,” in Proceedings of 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 2014, pp. 3483-3488.

Yiming Wan, Hao Ye, “Fault detection of networked control systems utilizing limited possibilities of unknown packet transmission,” in Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Trieste, Italy, 2011, pp. 619-624.

Yiming Wan, Hao Ye, Yongqiang Wang, “Fault detection of networked control systems subject to uncertain time-varying delay and packet dropout,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2009, pp.231-235.