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Haofan Yang,Zhongfei Xiong, Xinda Lu, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Hanghang Li.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen,Shuang Zhang.Optically reconfigurable spin-valley Hall effect of light in coupled nonlinear ring resonator lattice.Physical Review Letters,2021,043904
Yuntian Chen,Jingwei Wang,Weijin Chen.Jing Xu.Reciprocal waveguide coupled mode theory.Acta Physica Sinica,2020,154206
Jiamin Wang,Jan Markus Baumann,Karsten Rottwitt.Jing Xu,Yunhong Ding.Stable Excitation of Orbital Angular Momentum States in Air-Core Fiber Seeded by an Integrated Optical Vortex Beam Emitter.Photonics Journal,2020,6601408
Zhongfei Xiong,Qingdong Yang, Weijin Chen, Zhuoran Wang,Wei Liu.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen.On the constraints of electromagnetic multipoles for symmetric scatterers: eigenmode analysis.Opt. Express,2020,3073-3085
H. Yang,Z. Xiong, H. Hu, Y. Chen, X. Zhang.Jing Xu.Spatial-Dependent Hamiltonian Formulation of Cross-Mode Modulation.Photonics Journal,2020,6100208
Hanwen Hu,Chi Zhang,Jing Xu.Lumped Dissipation Induced Quasi-Phase Matching for Broad and Flat Optical Parametric Processes.IEEE Photonics Journal,2019,7801808
Bei Wu,Zhuoran Wang, Weijin Chen, Zhongfei Xiong.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen.S-parameters, non-Hermitian ports and the finite-element implementation in photonic devices with PT-symmetry.Opt. Express,2019,17648
Wen Li,Dong Tan,Jing Xu,Shubo Wang,Yuntian Chen.Finite element based Green’s function integral equation for modelling light scattering.Opt. Express,2019,16047-16057
Weijin Chen,Zhongfei Xiong,Jing Xu.Yuntian Chen.Generalized coupled mode formalism in reciprocal waveguides with gain/loss, anisotropy or bianisotropy.Phys. Rev. B,2019,195307
Yaoqin Lu,Jing Xu,Jing-Tao Lv.Decay channels of gap plasmons in STM tunnel junctions.Opt. Express,2018,30444-30455