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Ming Luo,Jing Xu.Qi Yang.Transmission of 200 Tb/s (375 × 3 × 178.125 Gb/s) PDM-DFTS-OFDM-32QAM super channel over 1 km FMF.Front. Optoelectron.,2015,394-401
Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen.General coupled mode theory in non-Hermitian waveguides.Opt. Express,2015,22619-22627
Chao Li,Jing Xu.Phase noise canceled polarization-insensitive all-optical wavelength conversion of 557-Gb/s PDM-OFDM signal using coherent dual-pump.Journal of Lightwave Technology,2015,2848-2854
Jing Xu,Bingbing Wu.Yuntian Chen.Elimination of polarization degeneracy in circularly symmetric bianisotropic waveguides: a decoupled case.Opt. Express,2015,11566-11575
Chao Li,Jing Xu.Experimental Demonstration of 429.96-Gb/s OFDM/OQAM–64QAM Over 400-km SSMF Transmission Within a 50-GHz Grid.Photonics Journal,2014,7200408
Yunhong Ding,Jing Xu.Yunhong Ding.Ultra-wide band signal generation using a coupling-tunable silicon microring resonator.Opt. Express,2014,6078-6085
Dragana Vukovic,Jing Xu.Wavelength conversion of a 9.35 Gb/s RZ OOK signal in an InP photonic crystal nanocavity.Photon. Technol. Lett.,2014,257-260
Yunhong Ding,Jing Xu,Haiyan Ou,Christophe Peucheret.Mode-selective wavelength conversion based on four-wave mixing in a multimode silicon waveguide.Opt. Express,2014,127-135
Francesco Da Ros,Kjeld Dalgaard, Lei Lei, Jing Xu, and Christophe Peucheret.Francesco Da Ros.QPSK-to-2×BPSK wavelength and modulation format conversion through phase-sensitive four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear optical fiber.Opt. Express,2013,28743-28750
L. Lei,Jing Xu.L. Lei.All-optical three-input logic minterms generation using semiconductor optical amplifier-based Sagnac interferometer.Electron. Lett.,2013,1467-1468