·Paper Publications
- [1] Zhao Na*, Zeng Xiaofan, Zhou Jianzhong. Assessment on vegetation dynamics under climate change for energy saving with satellite data and geographically weighted regression. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 648: 265-269.(EI收录,第一作者).
- [2] Zhao Na*, Zeng Xiaofan, Bi Sheng, Zhao Yue, Zhou Jianzhong. The effect of water network connection project on water quality in lakes based on remote sensing. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013, 409-410: 242-245.(EI收录,第一作者).
- [3] Zhao N.*, Zeng X., Sun H. Impact of global dimming on reference evapotranspiration in Hai River basin, China. IAHS Publ, 2015, 368: 287-282(EI收录,第一作者).
- [4] Zhao Na *, Liang Ji, Chen Yanping. Impact of Global Dimming and Brightening on Estimating Solar Radiation from Air Temperature in China. AER-Advances in Engineering Research, 2016, 53: 1043-1048. (CPCI收录,第一作者).
- [5] Zhao Na*, Zeng Xiaofan, Han Shumin, Solar radiation estimation using sunshine hour and air pollution index in China, Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 76: 846-851. (SCI收录,第一作者).
- [6] Zeng X, Zhao N*, Sun H, Ye L, Zhai J. Changes and Relationships of Climatic and Hydrological Droughts in the Jialing River Basin, China. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(11): e0141648(SCI收录,通讯作者).
- [7] Sun H., Wang Y., Chen J., Zhai J., Jing C., Zeng X., Ju H., Zhao N. *, Zhan M., Luo L., Su B. Exposure of population to droughts in the Haihe River Basin under global warming of 1.5 and 2.0 C scenarios. Quaternary International, 2017, 453: 74-84. (SCI收录,通讯作者).
- [8] Chen J., Gao C., Zeng X., Xiong M., Wang Y., Jing C., Krysanova V., Huang J., Zhao N. *, Su B. Assessing changes of river discharge under global warming of 1.5 °C and 2 °C in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin: Approach by using multiple- GCMs and hydrological models. Quaternary International, 2017, 453: 63-73. (SCI收录,通讯作者).