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2020 国家科技进步二等奖:遥感卫星多模态实时压缩编解码技术与装备
2018 教育部科技进步一等奖:遥感卫星多模态实时压缩编解码技术与装备
2006 工信部科技进步三等奖:卫星遥感信息处理技术
2006 工信部科技进步三等奖:成像遥感图像目标自动识别技术研究
2010 工信部技术发明二等奖:精确导航成像自动目标识别核心技术与系统
2006 工信部科技进步二等奖:卫星图像保障应用与远程匹配导航实时处理技术研究
2005 工信部科技进步二等奖:图像导航的典型地海面目标自动捕获、识别、匹配与跟踪技术
2007 教育部科技进步一等奖:实时自动目标识别与小型化实时信息处理技术
- [11] Zhong, Sheng (Science,Technology on Multi-spectral Information Processing Laboratory, Institute of Pattern Recognition,Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan 430074, China); Wang, Jianhui; Yan, Luxin; Kang, Lie; Cao, Zhiguo.A real-time embedded architecture for SIFT.[J].Journal of Systems Architecture,(2013):p 16-29
- [12] Yan, Luxin (National Key Laboratory of Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing, Institute for Pattern Recognition,Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, China); Liu, Hai; Zhong, Sheng; Fang, Houzhang.Semi-blind spectral deconvolution with adaptive Tikhonov regularization.Applied Spectroscopy,p 1334-1346
- [13] Chang, Yi (School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, China); Yan, Luxin; Zhong, Sheng Source.Hyperspectral image denoising via spectral and spatial low-rank approximation.[P].2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,(December 1, 2017):v 2017-July, p 4193-4196
- [14] Chang, Yi (Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430074, China); Yan, Luxin; Wu, Tao; Zhong, Sheng.Remote Sensing Image Stripe Noise Removal: From Image Decomposition Perspective.[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,p 7018-7031
- [15] Qin, Tao (Science,Technology On Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan, Hubei; 430074, China); Zhong, Sheng.An improved multi-paths optimization method for video stabilization.[P].Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 10609, 2017,
- [16] Du, Chengcai (Science,Technology On Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan, Hubei; 430074, China); Zhong, Sheng.Color correction using weighted moving least squares in image mosaicking applications.[P].Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,(v 10609, 2017, MIPPR 2017: Pattern Recognition and):
- [17] Yan, Luxin (Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430074, China); Wu, Tao; Zhong, Sheng; Zhang, Qiude.A variation-based ring artifact correction method with sparse constraint for flat-detector CT.[J].Physics in Medicine and Biology,(January 20, 2016):p 1278-1292
- [18] Chang, Yi (National Key Laboratory of Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, China); Yan, Luxin; Zhong, Sheng.Transformed Low-Rank Model for Line Pattern Noise Removal.[P].Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision,(December 22, 2017):p 1735-1743
- [19] Zhong, Sheng (The Key Laboratory of Image Processing,Intelligent Control, Wuhan; 430074, China); Zou, Xu; Zhang, Zhibing; Tian, Hongzhou.A flexible image analysis method for measuring bubble parameters.[J].Chemical Engineering Science,2016,(February 17, 2016):p 143-153
- [20] 张芷君,钟胜,吴郢,王建辉.基于协同重排序的手势识别方法.[J].计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,(2018年11期):