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2020 国家科技进步二等奖:遥感卫星多模态实时压缩编解码技术与装备
2018 教育部科技进步一等奖:遥感卫星多模态实时压缩编解码技术与装备
2006 工信部科技进步三等奖:卫星遥感信息处理技术
2006 工信部科技进步三等奖:成像遥感图像目标自动识别技术研究
2010 工信部技术发明二等奖:精确导航成像自动目标识别核心技术与系统
2006 工信部科技进步二等奖:卫星图像保障应用与远程匹配导航实时处理技术研究
2005 工信部科技进步二等奖:图像导航的典型地海面目标自动捕获、识别、匹配与跟踪技术
2007 教育部科技进步一等奖:实时自动目标识别与小型化实时信息处理技术
- [21] Chang, Yi (National Key Laboratory of Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, China); Yan, Luxin; Zhong, Sheng.Hyper-laplacian regularized unidirectional low-rank tensor recovery for multispectral image denoising.[P].Proceedings - 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2017,(November 6, 2017):p 5901-5909
- [22] Dong, Taihang (Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, China); Zhong, Sheng.Robust object tacking based on self-adaptive search area.[P].Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,(v 10608, 2018, MIPPR 2017: Automatic Target Recog):
- [23] Dong, Taihang (Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing Laboratory, China); Zhong, Sheng.Discussion among different methods of updating model filter in object tracking.[C].Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 10608, 2018, MIPPR 2017: Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation,2018,
- [24] Chang, Yi (School of Artificial Intelligence,Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430074, China); Yan, Luxin; Liu, Li; Fang, Houzhang; Zhong, Sheng.Infrared Aerothermal Nonuniform Correction via Deep Multiscale Residual Network.[J].IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,2019,(July 2019):p 1120-1124
- [25] Chang, Yi (National Key Laboratory of Science,Technology on Multispectral Information Processing, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430074, China); Yan, Luxin; Fang, Houzhang; Zhong, Sheng; Liao, Wenshan.HSI-DeNet: Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Convolutional Neural Network.[J].IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2019,(February 2019):p667-682
- [26] Zhang, Weijun (National Key Laboratory of Science,Technology on Multi-Spectral Information Processing, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430074, China); Zhong, Sheng; Xu, Wenhui; Wu, Ying.Motion Correlation Discovery for Visual Tracking.[J].IEEE Signal Processing Letters,2018,(November 2018):p 1720-1724
- [27] Xu, Wenhui (School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science,Technology, Wuhan; 430017, China); Zhong, Sheng; Yan, Luxin; Wu, Fengyang; Zhang, Weijun.Moving object detection in aerial infrared images with registration accuracy prediction and feature points selection.[J].Infrared Physics and Technology,2018,(August 2018):p 318-326