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副研究员(自然科学)   博士生导师   硕士生导师  








个人简介Personal Profile

李引,博导,副教授,省“百人计划”、楚天学子、武汉英才。于华中科技大学先后获得学士与博士学位。2013-18年在美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)瓦克斯曼研究所从事博士后研究,期间师从发明鸟枪测序法和获得沃尔夫农业奖(Wolf Prize)的Joachim Messing院士。2019-20年在美国罗格斯大学任助理研究员。2021年受聘于华中科技大学。长期从事植物功能基因组学、代谢与营养健康相关研究,具体方向:1、以小麦为材料,通过植物比较演化基因组学等手段挖掘小麦籽粒品质性状形成的基因,改良籽粒品质;2、以玉米高粱为材料,通过遗传学、多维组学等手段研究作物碳水化合物代谢的调控机制。以第一或通讯作者(含共同)身份在Plant Biotechnology JournalJournal of Advanced ResearchPlant PhysiologyBiotechnology for BiofuelsFood Research InternationalJournal of Experimental Botany等SCI期刊上发表论文20余篇。任Scientific DataFrontiers in Plant Science等杂志编委,任Biotechnology for BiofuelsJournal of Experimental Botany等多个期刊的审稿人。主持参与了国家自科基金面上项目、武汉市知识创新专项、国际科技合作项目等多项课题。

联系方式:liyin.plant@hotmail.com; yinli2021@hust.edu.cn



  1. Wu Y#,  Feng J#, Zhang Q#, Wang Y, Guan Y, Wang R, Shi F, Zeng F, Wang Y, Chen M, Chang J, He G*, Yang G*, Li Y*. (2023) Integrative gene duplication and genome-wide analysis as an approach to facilitate wheat reverse genetics: An example in the TaCIPK family. Journal of Advanced Research. Epub ahead of print.

  2. Wu Y#,  Luo Q#, Wu Z#, Yu J, Zhang Q, Zou Y, Li L, Zhao H, Wang Y, Chen M, Chang J, He G*, Yang G*, Li Y*. (2023) A straight-forward gene mining strategy to identify TaCIPK19 as a new regulator of drought tolerance in wheat. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.203, 108034.

  3. Zhi J#, Zeng J#, Wang Y#, Zhao H, Wang G, Guo J, Wang Y, Chen M, Yang G, He G, Chen X*, Chang J*, Li Y*. (2023) A multi-omic resource of wheat seed tissues for nutrient deposition and improvement for human health. Scientific Data. 10, 269.    

  4. Guan Y#, Wang Y#, Pan C, Li L, Shi Fu, Wang Y, Chen M, Yang G, He G*, Chang J*, Li Y*. (2023) The additive interactions between high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and tannic acid improve the wheat quality. Food Research International. 168, 112756.

  5. Han J#, Xie X#, Zhang Y, Yu X, He G*, Li Y*, Yang G*. (2022) Evolution of the DEHYDRATION-RESPONSIVE ELEMENT-BINDING PROTEIN subfamily in green plants Plant Physiology. 190, 421-440.   

  6. Wang Y#, Zeng J#, Su P, Zhao H, Li L, Xie X, Zhang Q, Wu Y, Wang R, Zhang Y, Yu B, Chen M, Wang Y, Yang G, He G*, Chang J*, Li Y*. (2022) An established protocol for generating transgenic wheat for wheat functional genomics via particle bombardment. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 979540. 

  7. Li Y., Tu M., Feng Y., Wang W., Messing J.*. (2019) Common metabolic networks contribute to carbon sink strength of sorghum internodes: implications for bioenergy improvement. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 12:274.

  8. Li Y., Wang W., Feng Y., Tu M., Wittich P.E., Bate N.J., Messing J.*. (2019) Transcriptome and metabolome reveal distinct carbon allocation patterns during internode sugar accumulation in different sorghum genotypes. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 17(2):472-487.

  9. Wang Q.#, Li Y.#, Sun F., Li X., Wang P., Sun J., Zeng J., Wang C., Hu W., Chang J., Chen M., Wang Y., Li K., Yang G.*, He G.*. (2015) Tannins improve dough mixing properties through affecting physicochemical and structural properties of wheat gluten proteins. Food Research International. 69:64-71.

  10. Wang C.#, Zeng J.#, Li Y.#, Hu W., Chen L., Miao Y., Deng P., Yuan C., Ma C., Chen X., Zang M., Wang Q., Li K., Chang J., Wang Y., Yang G.*, He G.* (2014) Enrichment of provitamin A content in common wheat by metabolic engineering with introduction of bacterial carotenoid biosynthesis genes CrtB and CrtI. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65(9): 2545-2556.


  • Hu W, Ji C, Liang Z, Ye J, Ou W, Ding Z, Zhou G, Tie W, Yan Y, Yang J, Ma L, Yang X, Wei Y, Jin Z, Xie J, Peng M, Wang W, Guo A, Xu B, Guo J, Chen S, Wang M, Zhou Y, Li X, Li R, Xiao X, Wan Z, An F, Zhang J, Leng Q, Li Y,  Shi H, Ming R*, Li K*. (2021) Resequencing of 388 cassava accessions identifies valuable loci and selection for variation in heterozygosity. Genome Biology. 22, 316. 

  • Hu W, Ji C, Shi H, Liang Z, Ding Z, Ye J, Ou W, Zhou G, Tie W, Yan Y, Yang J, Yang X, Wei Y, Jin Z, Xie J, Peng M, Wang W, Guo A, Xu B, Guo J, Chen S, Ma L, Wang M, Zhou Y, Li X, Li R, Guo S, Xiao X, Wan Z, An F, Zhang J, Leng Q, Li Y, Ming R*, Li K*. (2021) Allele-defined genome reveals biallelic differentiation during cassava evolution. Molecular Plant. 14, 851-854.

  • Wang Z, Miao H, …, Li Y, Ding Z, Yan Y, Tie W, D’Hont A, Hu W*, Jin Z*. (2019) Musa balbisiana genome reveals subgenome evolution and functional divergence. Nature Plants. 5, 810-821.

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