王超   468

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender:Male Status:Employed Department:School of Optical and Electronic Information Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral) Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering Discipline:Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics
Electrical Circuit and System

MORE> Recommended Ph.D.Supervisor Recommended MA Supervisor
Language: 中文

Student Information



Employment Status:复旦大学

Major:Integrated circuit engineering

Personal Profile:学术成果:1篇共同一作IEEE JETCAS、 全国大学生光电大赛国家三等奖1项。

Degree:Bachelor's degree

Current Status:Graduated

Graduation Thesis Title:用于测距与测速的FMCW激光雷达接收系统设计

Date of Graduation:2022-06-30