Coordinated planning of transportation and electric power networks with the proliferation of electric vehicles
Release time:2020-09-01
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- Document Code:
- 19890291
- First Author:
- Wei Gan
- Correspondence Author:
- Mohammad Shahidehpour
- Co-author:
- Mingyu Yan,Jianbo Guo,Wei Yao,Aleksi Paaso,Liuxi Zhang,Jinyu Wen
- Journal:
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- Included Journals:
- Place of Publication:
- United States
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:
- Electrical Engineering
- Document Type:
- J
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 5
- Page Number:
- 4005-4016
- ISSN No.:
- 1949-3053
- Key Words:
- Coordinated planning of transportation and electric power networks, fast-charging station, energy storage, power loss, mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming.
- DOI number:
- 10.1109/TSG.2020.2989751
- Date of Publication:
- 2020-09-01
- Impact Factor:
- 10.275
- Abstract:
- The interdependency of transportation and electric power networks is becoming tighter due to the proliferation of electric vehicles (EVs), which introduces additional difficulties in the planning of the two networks. This paper presents the enhanced solution for the coordinated planning of multiple facilities in the two networks, including electric power lines, transportation roads, energy storage systems and fast charging stations. In order to calculate the optimal solution for the proposed coordinated planning problem, we introduce the applications of linear optimization theory including Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, the big M method, and a linear expression of power loss to transform the nonlinear planning problem into a mixed-integer quadratically constrained programming (MIQCP) formulation, which is solved by commercial solvers. The proposed MIQCP formulation is decomposed into two corresponding subproblems by Lagrangian relaxation to represent transportation and electric power networks. The case studies validate the proposed planning model and demonstrate that the proposed solution can enhance the coordinated network planning with the proliferation of EVs.
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