Decentralized privacy-preserving operation of multi-area integrated electricity and natural gas systems with renewable energy resources
Release time:2020-07-01
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- Document Code:
- 19709906
- First Author:
- Feng Qi
- Correspondence Author:
- Mohammad Shahidehpour
- Co-author:
- Fushuan Wen,Zhiyi Li,Yubin He,Mingyu Yan
- Journal:
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- Included Journals:
- Place of Publication:
- United States
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:
- Electrical Engineering
- Document Type:
- J
- Volume:
- 11
- Issue:
- 3
- Page Number:
- 1785-1796
- ISSN No.:
- 1949-3029
- Key Words:
- Multi-area coordination of integrated electricity and natural gas transmission system, wind energy, gas flow dynamics, alternating direction multiplier method.
- DOI number:
- 10.1109/TSTE.2019.2940624
- Date of Publication:
- 2020-07-01
- Impact Factor:
- 8.31
- Abstract:
- With the proliferation of natural gas combined cycle units, the modern energy infrastructure has evolved into a coupled electricity and natural gas system, which often encompasses multiple large-scale and geographically-diverse energy areas. The similarity in electricity and natural gas consumption profiles in coupled systems gives rise to critical mandates for the coordinated optimization of electricity and natural gas operation. This paper presents a decentralized optimization framework, which considers wind energy and power-to-gas (P2G) technologies in the operation of integrated multi-area electricity and natural gas transmission system (IEGTS). First, a comprehensive optimal dispatch model is established for the multi-area IEGTS in a centralized manner where bi-directional flows of electricity and natural gas among multi-areas are optimized considering the stochastic nature of wind energy. In particular, a linearized transient-state gas flow model under mild assumptions is proposed to represent the dynamic characteristics of the natural gas sector. The centralized optimization problem is decomposed into a set of computationally-tractable subproblems that are solved independently in individual areas. The alternating direction multiplier method is employed to achieve a rapidly convergent solution while preserving the privacy of operation data shared among participating areas. Finally, case studies are carried out on two multi-area IEGTS with multiple wind generation scenarios which demonstrate the computational performance of the proposed method with P2G facilities operating in variable conditions.
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