·Research Projects
- [1] Simultaneous Ablation of Tumor Cells and Tumor Stromal Cells to Enhance Antitumor against Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma,Gillson Longenbaugh基金会,2016-2018,$80,000,合作研究人,
- [2] Targeted Delivery of Cyclopamine by Biodegradable Cross-Linked Polymeric Micelles for Radio-Chemotherapy of Pancreatic Cancer,Skip Viragh基金会,2012-2018,$1,400,000,合作研究人,
- [3] Determination of the efficacy of TIG1-targeted therapy using nanoparticle-delivered siRNA in inflammatory breast cancer, Morgan Welch炎性乳腺癌研究计划, 4/1/2016-3/31/2017, $40,000,项目共同负责人,
- [4] Improve Radiation Efficacy in Pancreatic Tumor using Nanoparticle-bound Radiosensitizer,安德森癌症中心,4/1/2016-3/31/2017, $30,000,项目负责人,