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Zhong, D. †; Zhao, J. †; Li, Y; Qiao, Y.; Wei, Q.; He, J.; Xie, T.; Li, W., Zhou, M. Laser-triggered aggregated cubic α-Fe2O3@Au nanocomposites for magnetic resonance imaging and photothermal/enhanced radiation synergistic therapy. Biomaterials 2019, 219:119369(影响因子10.273).
Zhao, J.†; Wen, X. F.†; Tian, L.; Li, T.; Xu, C.; Wen, X. X.; Melancon, M. P., Gupta, S.; Shen, B.; Peng, W.; Li, C. Irreversible electroporation reverses resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in pancreatic cancer. Nature Communications 2019, 10:899 (影响因子12.353).
Zhao, J.; Xiao, Z.; Li, T.; Chen, H.; Yuan, Y.; Wang, A. Y.; Hsiao, C. -H.; Chow, D. S.-L.; Overwijk, W.; Li, C. Stromal modulation reverses primary resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in pancreatic cancer. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 9881-9893.(影响因子13.709).
Zhou, B.†; Zhao, J.†; Qiao, Y.; Wei, Q.; He, J.; Li, W.; Zhong, D.; Ma, F.; Li, Y.; Zhou, M. Simultaneous multimodal imaging and photothermal therapy via renal-clearable manganese-doped copper sulfide nanodots. Applied Materials Today 2018, 13, 285-297. (共同一作,影响因子9.90).
Zhao, J.; Wang, H.; Hsiao, C.-H.; Chow, D. S.-L.; Koay, E. J.; Kang, Y.; Wen, X.; Huang, Q.; Ma, Y.; Bankson, J. A.; et al. Simultaneous inhibition of hedgehog signaling and tumor proliferation remodels stroma and enhances pancreatic cancer therapy. Biomaterials 2018, 159, 215-228. (影响因子10.273).
Zhao, J.; Koay, E. J.; Li, T.; Wen, X.; Li, C., A hindsight reflection on the clinical studies of poly (l‐glutamic acid)‐paclitaxel. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 2018, 10 (3), e1497.(影响因子6.35).
Wang, W.†; Zhao, J.†; Wen, X.; Lin, C. C.-J.; Li, J.; Huang, Q.; Yu, Y.; Lin, S.-Y.; Li, C., MicroPET/CT Imaging of AXL Downregulation by HSP90 Inhibition in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 2017, 2017. (共同一作,影响因子2.934).
Zhao, J.; Zhou, M.; Li, C., Synthetic nanoparticles for delivery of radioisotopes and radiosensitizers in cancer therapy. Cancer Nanotechnology 2016, 7 (9). (影响因子4.22).
Zhou, M.; Zhao, J.; Tian, M.; Song, S.; Zhang, R.; Gupta, S.; Tan, D.; Shen, H.; Ferrari, M.; Li, C., Radio-photothermal therapy mediated by a single compartment nanoplatform depletes tumor initiating cells and reduces lung metastasis in the orthotopic 4T1 breast tumor model. Nanoscale 2015, 7 (46), 19438-19447.(影响因子7.233).
Zhou, M.; Song, S.; Zhao, J.; Tian, M.; Li, C., Theranostic CuS nanoparticles targeting folate receptors for PET image-guided photothermal therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2015, 3 (46), 8939-8948.(影响因子4.543).