Design of a high-efficiency, high specific-power three-level T-type power electronics building block for aircraft electric-propulsion drives. Deshpande, A., Chen, Y., Narayanasamy, B., Yuan, Z., Chen, C., Luo, F. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019
上一条:A High-Performance Embedded SiC Power Module Based on a DBC-Stacked Hybrid Packaging Structure. Huang, Z.; Chen, C.; Xie, Y.; Yan, Y.; Kang, Y.; Luo, F. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019
下一条:Flexible PCB-based 3-D integrated SiC half-bridge power module with three-sided cooling using ultralow inductive hybrid packaging structure. Chen, C.; Huang, Z.; Chen, L.; Tan, Y.; Kang, Y.; Luo, F. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2018