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副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
毕业院校:英国南安普敦大学 the University of Southampton, UK
2024 湖北省第五批“科技副总”
2021 国际电气与电子工程师协会高级会员(IEEE senior member)
2020 华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院突出贡献奖
2019 欧盟玛丽居里学者人才计划Marie-Curie Fellowship
2019 华中科技大学教师教学竞赛奖二等奖
2019 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师
2015 华中科技大学大学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师
- [1] Hanping Xiao,Jinbiao Zhao,张江山,刘德明.鲁平,司马朝坦.Ultra-sensitive ppb-level methane detection based on NIR all-optical photoacoustic spectroscopy by using differential fiber-optic microphones with gold-chromium composite nanomembrane.[J].Photoacoustics,2022,
- [2] Botao Deng,鲁平,刘德明.司马朝坦.Modified laser scanning technique in wavelength modulation spectroscopy for advanced TDLAS gas sensing.[J].Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2021,
- [3] Hongyu Tan,Botao Deng,Xiaohang Zhang,Guoqun Chen,Qianqing Yu,Jianghe Xu,Zhenggang Lian,Deming Liu.Chaotan Sima.Design and Analysis of Ultra-Wideband Highly-Birefringent Bragg Layered Photonic Bandgap Fiber With Concave-Index Cladding.[J].IEEE Photonics Journal,2021,(3):1-8
- [4] Botao Deng,Hongyu Tan,Xiaohang Zhang,Zhenggang Lian,Guoqun Chen,Qianqing Yu,Jianghe Xu,刘德明.司马朝坦.Design of hollow core step-index antiresonant fiber with stepped refractive indices cladding.[J].Frontiers of Optoelectronics,2021,(4):407-413
- [5] Yuan Gao,Jia Cheng,Binchen Cai,Kang Yuan,Zhenggang Lian,Mateusz Smietana,鲁平,刘德明.司马朝坦.Highly-birefringent and ultra-wideband low-loss photonic crystal fiber with rhombic and elliptical holes.[J].Optics Communications,2019,172-175
- [6] Zijing Zhang,Bolan Liu,Binchen Cai,Yuan Gao,张敏明,沈力,余宇,Meng Huang,Zhenggang Lian,MATTHEW T. POSNER,JAMES C. GATES,PETER G.R. SMITH,刘德明.司马朝坦.Wideband and continuously-tunable fractional photonic Hilbert transformer based on a single high-birefringence planar Bragg grating.[J].Optics Express,2018,(16):20450-20458
- [7] 余宇,Guanyu Chen,张新亮.司马朝坦.Intra-chip optical interconnection based on polarization division multiplexing photonic integrated circuit.[J].Optics Express,2017,(23):28330-28336
- [8] Binchen Cai,Bolan Liu,Yuan Gao,余宇,JAMES C. GATES,MICHALIS N. ZERVAS,PETER G.R. SMITH,刘德明.司马朝坦.Integrated Reconfigurable Photonic Filters based on Interferometric Fractional Hilbert Transforms.[J].Applied Optics,2017,(28):7978-7984
- [9] Bolan Liu,Wei Yang,刘德明,余宇,James C. Gates,Michalis N. Zervas,Peter G.R. Smith.司马朝坦.Experimental Investigation of Large Time-Bandwidth Product Photonic Hilbert Transformer based on compact Bragg grating.[J].IEEE Photonics Journal,2016,(4):1-8
- [10] 司马朝坦,James C. Gates,Michalis N. Zervas,Peter G.R. Smith.Terahertz bandwidth photonic Hilbert transformers based on synthesized planar Bragg grating fabrication.[J].Optics Letters,2013,(17):3348-3451