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2022 Wiley中国开放科学高贡献作者
2019 2019年北京市技术发明一等奖
2018 2018校级创新创业优秀指导老师
2017 Lam Research微电子论文奖1次
2017 指导的研究生获得国家奖学金3人次
2020 2017,2018,2020年获得校级优秀教师班主任3次
- [21] Customized binary and multi-level HfO2-x-based memristors tuned by oxidation conditions, He WF, Sun HJ*, Zhou YX, Lu K, Xue KH, Miao XS, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Volume 7, 10070 (2017).
- [22] Realization of Functional Complete Stateful Boolean Logic in Memristive Crossbar,Li Y,Zhou YX,Xu L,Lu K,Wang ZR,Duan N,Jiang L,Cheng L,Chang TC, Chang KC,Sun HJ,Xue KH,Miao XS*,ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 8(50),34559-34567 (2016).
- [23] Conductance quantization in an AgInSbTe-based memristor at nanosecond scale, L Jiang,L Xu,JW Chen,P Yan,KH Xue,HJ Sun*,XS Miao,Applied Physics Letters, 109(15):153506 (2016).
- [24] Charged defects-induced resistive switching in Sb2Te3 memristor,J.J.Zhang,N.Liu, HJ Sun*,P.Yan,Y.Li.S. J.Zhong,S.Xie,R.J.Li,X.S.Miao,Journal of Electronic Materials, 45(2) 1154-1159 (2016).
- [25] Conducting mechanisms of forming-free TiW/Cu2O/Cu memristive devices,P. Yan,Y. Li,Y. J. Hui,S. J. Zhong,Y. X. Zhou,L. Xu, N. Liu,H. Qian,HJ Sun*,and X. S. Miao,Applied Physics Letters,107, 083501 (2015).
- [26] 16 Boolean logics in three steps with two anti-serially connected memristors, Yaxiong Zhou,Yi Li, Lei Xu, Shujing Zhong,Huajun Sun,and Xiangshui Miao, Applied Physics Letters, 106, 233502 (2015).
- [27] Activity-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity of a Chalcogenide Electronic Synapse for Neuromorphic Systems, Y.Li, Y.P.Zhong, J.J.Zhang, L.Xu, Q.Wang, H.J.Sun.H. Tong,X.M.Cheng,X.S.Miao,Scientific Reports,volume 4,4906 (2014)..
- [28] Intrinsic memristance mechanism of crystalline stoichiometric Ge2Sb2Te5,Li Y., Zhong Y.P., Zhang J.J, Xu X.H.,Wang Q., Xu L, Sun H.J, Miao X.S., Applied Physics Letters,103(4), 043501, 2013..
- [29] AgInSbTe memristor with gradual resistance tuning, Zhang J.J., Sun H.J*, Li Y., Wang Q., Xu X.H., Miao X.S., Applied Physics Letters,102(18), 183513, 2013.
- [30] Ultrafast synaptic events in a chalcogenide memristor,Y.Li,Y.P.Zhong,L.Xu,J.J. Zhang,X.H.Xu,H.J.Sun,X.S.Miao,Scientific Reports,3,1619,2013..