Professor    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates    Supervisor of Master's Candidates

  • Professional Title:Professor
  • Gender:Female
  • Status:Employed
  • Department:School of Life Science and Technology
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree
  • Alma Mater:Wuhan University, China

Social Affiliations

英文主页 >>Social Affiliations
  • Deputy Director of the Cellulose division of the Chinese Chemical Society

  • Member of the “Nanocellulose and Materials Committee of China Paper Association”

  • Member of the “Polymer Characterization Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society”

  • Member of the “Biomedical Polymer Materials Branch of China Biomaterials Society”

  • Editorial board member of “Advanced Composite and Hybrid Materials”

  • Editor-in-Chief of “Engineered Science”