·Paper Publications
- [11] An EfficientIdentification Method for Dynamic Systems With Coupled Hysteresis and LinearDynamics: Application to Piezoelectric-Actuated Nanopositioning Stages , Zhijie Wen; Ye Ding*; Pinkuan Liu; Han Ding; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(1): 326-337. (期刊论文).
- [12] Online MonitoringMachining Errors of Thin-Walled Workpiece: A Knowledge Embedded Sparse BayesianRegression Approach , Le Cao; Xiao-Ming Zhang*; Tao Huang; Han Ding; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(3):1259-1270. (期刊论文).
- [13] Variance-MinimizationIterative Matching Method for Free-Form Surfaces-Part II: Experiment andAnalysis , He Xie; Wen-Long Li*; Zhou-Ping Yin; Han Ding; IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019, 16(3): 1192-1204. (期刊论文).
- [14] Contact force control and vibration suppression in robotic polishing with a smart end effector , Chen Fan; Zhao Huan*; Li Dingwei; Chen Lin; Tan Chao; Ding Han; Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, 57: 391-403.(期刊论文).
- [15] Force trackingimpedance control with unknown environment via an iterative learning algorithm, Xiuquan LIANG; Huan ZHAO*; Xiangfei LI; Han DING; Science China Information Sciences, 2019, 62(5): 050215. (期刊论文).
- [16] An UncalibratedVisual Servo Method Based on Projective Homography, Zeyu Gong; Bo Tao*; Hua Yang; Zhouping Yin; Han Ding; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ONAUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2018, 15(2): 806-817. (期刊论文).
- [17] RobustChatter Mitigation Control for Low Radial Immersion Machining Processes, Yue Wu; Hai-Tao Zhang*; Tao Huang; Guiping Ren; Han Ding; IEEETRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2018, 15(4): 1972-1979.(期刊论文).
- [18] ToolOrientation Planning in Milling With Process Dynamic Constraints: A MinimaxOptimization Approach , Tao Huang; Xiao-Ming Zhang*; Jürgen Leopold; Han Ding; Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering -Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140(11): 111002. (期刊论文).
- [19] Posture optimization methodology of 6Rindustrial robots for machining using performance evaluation indexes, Yang Lin; Huan Zhao*; Han Ding; Roboticsand Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017, 48: 59-72. (期刊论文).
- [20] BayesianLearning-Based Model-Predictive Vibration Control for Thin-Walled WorkpieceMachining Processes , Ye Yuan; Hai-Tao Zhang*; Yue Wu; Tao Zhu; Han Ding; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2017, 22(1):509-520. (期刊论文).