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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2007 国家科技进步二等奖
2015 中国产学研合作促进会创新成果一等奖
2015 中国机械工业科学技术一等奖
[1] Zihao Teng, Dunming Liao*, Shengchuan Wu*, Fei Sun, Tao Chen, Zhibing Zhang. An adaptively refined XFEM for the dynamic fracture problems with micro-defects[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 103, 2019, 102255. (SCI收录,B类(中科院3区)、影响因子2.215)
[2] 滕子浩, 廖敦明, 吴棣, 唐玉龙, 陈涛. 轧辊铸件成形过程热裂纹萌生与扩展数值模拟[J]. 铸造, 2019,09: 1042-1047. (中文核心)
[3] Liu Cao, Fei Sun*, Tao Chen, Yulong Tang, Dunming Liao. Quantitative prediction of oxide inclusion defects inside the casting and on the walls during cast-filling processes[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.1.20, 119: 614~623.(SCI收录,A类(中科院2区)、影响因子3.458)
[4] Cao Liu, Liao Dunming*, Sun Fei, Chen Tao. Numerical simulation of cold shut defect during casting filling process[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 97: 2419–2430. (SCI,B类(中科院3区),影响因子2.209)
[5] Teng Zhihao , Sun Fei* , Wu Shenchuan, Zhang Zhibing, Chen Tao, Liao Dunming. An adaptively refined XFEM with virtual node polygonal elements for dynamic crack problems[J]. Computational Mechanics, 2018, 62(5): 1087-1106. (SCI收录,A类(中科院3区)、影响因子2.724)
[6] 廖敦明*, 曹流, 孙飞, 陈涛. 铸造宏观过程数值模拟技术的研究现状与展望[J]. 金属学报, 2018, 54(2): 161-173. (SCI收录,B类,响因子0.584)
[7] Dunming Liao*, Liu Cao, Tao Chen, Fei Sun, Yong-zhen Jia, Zi-hao Teng, Yu-long Tang. Radiation Heat Transfer Model for Complex Superalloy Turbine Blade in Directional Solidification Process Based on Finite Element Method [J]. China Foundry, 2016, 13(2): 123-132 (SCI收录,C类(中科院3区)、影响因子0.433)
[1] 张博,廖敦明*,刘正周,滕子浩,吴棣,陈继峯,林书如. OLED金属走线弯折过程裂纹扩展有限元分析[J]. 液晶与显示, 2018,33(05): 427-432.
[2] 刘正周,廖敦明*,贾永臻,张博,吴棣,陈继峯. 可折叠OLED屏幕的弯折应力仿真[J]. 液晶与显示,2018,33(07):555-560.
[1] Jia Y, Liao D*, Cui H, Ji A, Bai X, Yasir M. Modelling the needling effect on the stress concentrations of laminated C/C composites[J]. Materials & Design, 2016,104:19-26. ( SCI收录,A类(中科院2区),影响因子3.501)
[1] 唐绍宁,廖敦明,刘子谕,杨光,杨帆. 面向电子束熔丝增材制造数模再建系统的研发[J]. 航空制造技术, 2020,63(04): 68-73+81.
[2] 廖敦明,张广臣,章志兵,罗瑞. 基于NX9.0的汽车管路自动化胎具设计系统开发与应用[J]. 模具工业, 2019,45(10): 12-16.
[3] 梅济东, 廖敦明*, 张广臣,祁小斌. 基于UG NX9.0的汽车管路检具设计系统开发与应用[J]. 模具工业, 2018, 44(03): 1-5.