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2024 华中科技大学青年五四奖章
2022 华为奥林帕斯先锋奖
2020 湖北省技术发明一等奖(排名第2)
2013 湖北省年度“十大科技事件”
2013 湖北省优秀博士学位论文
2014 湖北省优秀学士学位论文指导教师
2015 华中科技大学教师教学竞赛二等奖
2017 华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院“我最喜爱的教师班主任“
2020 华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院突出贡献一等奖
- [41] 何明泽,徐明,程晓敏,万代兴,林琪,钱航,何达,何明泽.缪向水,童浩.Ultra-Low Program Current and Multilevel Phase Change Memory for High-Density Storage Achieved by a Low-Current SET Pre-Operation.[J].IEEE Electron Device Letters,4373,(10):
- [42] 周洋,黄开谨,缪向水,徐明,程晓敏,周玲军.童浩.Strong interface scattering induced low thermal conductivity in Bi-based GeTe/Bi2Te 3 superlattice-like materials.[J].RSC Advances,4373,(17):9457-9461
- [43] 于振海,郭彦荣,徐萌,C.Z.Wang,陈超,王松友,何启明,缪向水,徐开朗,程晓敏,童浩.徐明.Understanding CrGeTe3: an abnormal phase change material with inverse resistance and density contrast.[J].Journal of Materials Chemistry C,4367,(29):9025-9030
- [44] 徐萌,缪向水,程晓敏,徐开朗,童浩,李博文.徐明.Stabilizing the amorphous Sb by adding alien seeds for durable memory materials.[J].Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,4349,(8):4494-4500
- [45] 程曲,缪向水,林琪.童浩.High quantum efficiency red emitting α-phase La2W2O9:Eu3+ phosphor.[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds,4348,905-911
- [46] 钱航,缪向水,徐明,周凌珺,季宏凯,何明泽,童浩.童浩.Observation of carrier localization in cubic crystalline Ge2Sb2Te5 by field effect measurement.[J].SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,4343,
- [47] 王校杰,缪向水,钱航,周凌珺.童浩.Self-screening induced abnormal stability of ferroelectric phase in GeTe ultrathin films.[J].Applied Physics Letters,4343,(23):232903
- [48] 吴倩倩,程晓敏,Wu,Liangcai,童浩,倩航,徐萌,徐开朗.缪向水,徐明.Phase‐Change Memory: Increasing the Atomic Packing Efficiency of Phase‐Change Memory Glass to Reduce the Density Change upon Crystallization (Adv. Electron. Mater. 9/2018).[J].Advanced Electronic Materials,4325,(9):1800127
- [49] 林琪,缪向水.童浩.A Selector with Special Design for High on-current and Selectivity.[C].IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications,4322,118-119
- [50] 林琪,冯金龙,钱航,程曲,徐明,李祎.缪向水,童浩.Dual-Layer Selector With Excellent Performance for Cross-Point Memory Applications.[J].IEEE Electron Device Letters,4315,(4):496-499